Eugene Torre, 9LX creator Bobby Fischer’s best friend, accepted my friend request. Also, 9LX WC Wesley So = Aang, Bobby = Roku & Eugene = Monk Gyatso. ( 2023May )

Part1 – Proof of friendship w/ Eugene Torre

FB profile: or

Part2 – Leaves from the Vine

Aang’s finding about air nomad genocide is a million times sadder than ‘Leaves from the Vine’.

Part3 – The Analogy

Orig :

Now meme / different faces :




Shortlink :

Post ID : p1w4Rr-2K6

When my dumbass learned waging a war of aggression is not a war crime and all those soldiers on the ‘bad guys’ side are not necessarily war criminals ( or even criminals ) via ATLA / TLOK and then I applied this to the 2022 chess candidates ( 2022Jun )

Part1 – ATLA/TLOK on 2022Jun09

Official poll: Is there any good reason besides Mako that the death of war criminal Lu Ten is sadder than genocide of the air nomads? This is worse than ‘1 death is a tragedy. 1 million deaths is a statistic’ because here the 1 million are innocent, but the 1 is guilty. – by me on 2022Jun09 in r/TheLastAirbender post ID v89ysj

  • and r/FireNation post ID v8g4po
  • and r/ATLAverse post ID v8g1ew
  • and r/cartoons post ID v8g5c8

Part2 – Chess on 2022Jun30

At the Candidates, are players allowed to discuss the tournament situation with each other? (…) everyone else needs Nepo to lose. Are the other players allowed to discuss how to achieve this collective goal? (…) can they suggest openings to whoever is playing Nepo | from chess stackexchange – by me on 2022Jun30 in r/chessbeginners post ID vobl57 and in r/chess post ID vobl5q

Part1 – ATLA / TLOK – Lu Ten & Iroh are not (necessarily) war criminals.

For some reason re the 4th Nuremberg principle and re Just war theory, I had thought — well not really ‘thought’. I hadn’t given it much thought — rather I had assumed that everyone on the ‘bad guy‘ (cf what Bobby Fischer said) side of a war was automatically a war criminal. But then yeah actually not all wars necessarily have like a ‘bad guys‘ (cf my bad guys vs good guys in chess) side. Guess I never really gave it much thought. But eh as Terry Tao said Ask yourself dumb questions – and answer them! So yeah the 4th Nuremberg principle refers to if your superior orders you to commit war crimes. What I meant was ‘unjust war aggressor’.

1.1A – Quote from Wikipedia – Just war theory – Christian views – First World War

At the beginning of the First World War, a group of theologians in Germany published a manifesto that sought to justify the actions of the German government. At the British government’s request, Randall DavidsonArchbishop of Canterbury, took the lead in collaborating with a large number of other religious leaders, including some with whom he had differed in the past, to write a rebuttal of the Germans’ contentions. Both German and British theologians based themselves on the just war theory, each group seeking to prove that it applied to the war waged by its own side.

1.1B – Politics SE question

Why isn’t any unprovoked act of aggression considered a war crime? – Politics Stackexchange question posted on 2022Apr14 (obviously posted in re the Russia – Ukraine war; hell my own posts were obviously re the war lol) – post ID 72613 by Barmar user ID 13966

– Sooo yeah…’war crime’ refers to ‘cheating’ when you’re already in a war eg mistreating prisoners of war, attacking civilians, etc.

– And also I guess nowadays no one (publicly) views themselves as aggressors even when they’re the ones who declare the war eg US/UK Vs Iraq or Russia Vs Ukraine … Like each side believes that they’re defending. Sooo yeah who’s the judge really ‘who’s the aggressor?’ ? Even for the fire nation… What if they instead didn’t commit any war crimes and just fought justly and stuff?

1.1C – From 2011 X-Men First Class

Professor X (Charles Xavier) : Erik, you said yourself, we’re the better men. This is the time to prove it. There are thousands of men on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men! They’re just following orders.

Magneto (Erik Lehnsherr aka Max Eisenhardt) : I’ve been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again.

Yeah I guess Professor X doesn’t really emphasise the difference (at least in Professor X’s opinion) between ‘following orders’ in the Holocaust vs ‘following orders’ in (this particular instance of) killing mutants.

1.1D – Quote from Preventing Unjust War: The Role of the Catholic Church ROGER BERGMAN Creighton University

Simply put, an impermissible act becomes permissible when it is carried out under orders. It is possible for combatants, but not for leaders, to fight an unjust war justly. It is because McMahan rejects this paradoxical core doctrine of the war convention, as canonically expressed by Walzer, that McMahan’s work has become the focus for debate on this issue.


The Second Vatican Council stated, “Those who are pledged to the service of their country as members of its armed forces should regard themselves as agents of security and freedom on behalf of their people. As long as they fulfill this role properly, they are making a genuine contribution to the establishment of peace.” (Gaudium et Spes, No. 79) So no, a soldier does not necessarily need to confess his killing of other soldiers in combat. Provided that the war is just, this killing is not a sin as it is not the taking of an innocent human life; it is stopping an unjust aggressor for the sake of the common good.

But “merely” to kill one’s enemies in a just war is no sin, and there is no need for a soldier to repent or confess those actions.

1.1F – Luckily in my tweets

I don’t say (I think) that Lu Ten or Iroh is a war criminal. Lol. Try looking up my tweets for ‘Lu Ten’ or ‘war criminal’.

1.1G – ‘On Following Orders in an Unjust War’ by David Estlund Philosophy, Brown University

Quote :

Is a soldier morally obligated to obey ordinary (including lethal) commands, even when the war is unjust? I will argue that under the right conditions, the answer is “yes.”

1.1H – Actually I can’t seem to find

Idk maybe it actually wasn’t a Catholic site, but I can’t find this article I think I saw before that had the phrase ‘rank-and-file’ like ordinary soldiers are not only not (necessarily) war criminals but also not (necessarily) criminals just for fighting on the ‘bad guy’ side of a war.

1.1I – Actually, you can even be a war criminal but not a criminal based on what 9LX creator Bobby Fischer said re George Bush & Junichiro Koizumi. Lol.


Quote from Wikipedia :

Ben Ferencz, former chief prosecutor for the United States Army at the Nuremberg Trials, has stated that Bush likely committed war crimes in relation to the Iraq War.[478][479][480]

Oh wow THE Nurembug Trials … what living history. Ben Ferencz died only this year 2023Apr07.


Oh also I found out about this Saleh v. Bush … uhuh 2013, 5 years after Bobby Fischer died and 9 years before this lawsuit : Hypothetical Bobby Fischer resurrection interview on Magnus vs Hans: ‘What goes around comes around even for Magnus Carlsen’ ( 2022Oct21, Philippine podcast )


Another quote from Wikipedia :

In this vein, he suggested in an interview given on August 25, 2006, that not only Saddam Hussein should be tried, but also George W. Bush, because the US had begun the Iraq War without the UN Security Council‘s permission.[15] He also suggested that Bush should be tried in the International Criminal Court for “269 war crime charges” related to the Iraq War.[20][21]

1.2 – But idk fire nation did do war crime of air nomad genocide

while Iroh & Lu Ten are part of the royal family not just random soldiers. Should they have refused to fight until the air nomad civilians got justice? Well, there was propaganda against the air nomads sooo…eh myb there was no justice needed in their view…

1.3 – I did get ‘All-Seeing Upvote Award’ described as ‘A glowing commendation for all to see’ at least hehehe :

1.4 – captainfalconxiiii on 2022Jun10 in r/FireNation

There was no Genocide, and Lu Ten was not a war criminal, that traitorous prince Zuko, now that is a war criminal

LOL nice. In case you don’t get the joke captainfalconxiiii is pretending to be a Fire Nation soldier during ATLA s2. As part of this, I guess the air nomad genocide is being denied like how the Holocaust was denied eg by Bobby Fischer.

Posted on 2022Jun30 :

1.5 – BGBigMax ( the same person from Eating crow re Korrasami ) explains on 2022Jun09 in r/cartoons

This isn’t about tragedy or impact, it’s about sadness. It’s about when you watch this scene in a cartoon, what scene makes you feel sad. Seeing a 100 year old corpse is sad, and watching a man crying over his son while singing a lullabye is more sad. You can rationalize why any of these moments should be sad, but as the text presents them Leaves from the Vine is the more heart breaking scene.

This is way off topic but the saddest scene in the Harley Quinn movie is when her breakfast sandwich gets destroyed before she can eat it. It’s not about what is happening, but instead how it is presented.

1.6 – Testimony in r/ATLAverse

1.6A – Duelephant explains on 2022Jun09

  1. We really have no reason to believe Lu Ten was a war criminal. There is a line between soldier in an colonizing was and soldiers in a colonizing was who committed war crimes. Am I saying Lu Ten isn’t a war criminal, no. Just that we don’t know if he was.
  2. I think the biggest reason is the narrative writing of the scene. While the event itself might be more or less tragic the Leaves from the Vine scene happens a) later in the story when we have gotten to know the characters more, b) is given more time than Aang discovering about the air nomads, c) is intertwined with the stories of Iroh and Zuko who hold a lot of the emotional weight of the story. As such for many people that moment is more tied to their emotional reaction to the series rather than Aang finding out about the air nomads which for many serves as more of an initial shock in the story rather than an emotional moment.

1.6B – BokerBigBanana explains on 2022Dec06

To be a war criminal you have to violate a law of the Geneva Convention. Being a soldier doesn’t make you a war criminal.

Also, he would only be a war criminal in our world anyway since the GC doesn’t exist in Avatar.

1.6C – kidra31r explains on 2022Jun09

I feel that labeling Lu Ten as a war criminal is disingenuous. Unless there’s been something in the comics or other expanded material that I’ve missed, all we know is that he was a soldier in the army. Being on the wrong side of a war doesn’t automatically make you a war criminal.

My dumbass response on 2022Jun09

Really? Why don’t you just refuse to participate? 4th Nuremberg principle. Also, Lu Ten is a member of the fire national royal family right?

Then responses on 2022Jun09

Just being a soldier doesn’t make you a war criminal, and as far as we can tell Lu Ten was just a soldier. If we had evidence of an actual war crime, such as attacking those who had surrendered or the torture of prisoners, then we could call him a war criminal. Yes, Lu Ten was a member of the royal family, but that doesn’t mean he was in command of anything. He was serving under Iroh. If we use the Nuremberg trials as a precedent we can say that Iroh could be a war criminal since he was directly in command. But as far as I can tell the only time lower ranking soldiers were held on trial was when they were specifically involved with things like concentration camps.

Again, merely being a soldier on the wrong side doesn’t make you a war criminal. Unless we have record of Lu Ten specifically commiting a war crime, we can’t say he was a war criminal.

And on 2022Jun10

The fourth Nuremberg principal says they’re criminals if their commanding officer commanded them to torture prisoners or rape civilians or commit other specific war crimes. But again, just being a part of a war isn’t itself a war crime. That doesn’t make it the morally correct decision, but we’re talking specifically about whether or not Lu Ten is a war criminal not whether or not his actions were moral.

If you can find a specific example of sometime being convicted or even charged with a war crime for simply being a soldier then I’ll accept your point, but every example I can find is for something more extreme.

Me on 2022Aug26 :

oh ok thanks for the clarification. i mixed up war criminal and unjust war aggressor. lol.

1.7 – Testimony in r/TheLastAirbender

1.7A – ciki_melon on 2022Jun09

bro compares iroh to putin and expects us to agree with his take 💀

me on 2022Jun09

What? Not Iroh. Sozin. Sozin/Ozai to Putin.

  • But yeah Zuko’s Uncle Iroh is as much of a ‘villain’ in ATLA (‘The Last Airbender’) / TLOK (‘The Last Avatar’) as Kylo Ren’s Uncle Luke Skywalker was in Star Wars 8 (‘The Last Jedi’). Lol.

1.7B – Aradjha_at on 2022Jun09

Well specifically on the subject of Lu Ten, are you implying by your response that every fire Nation soldier is a war criminal? Because heads of state and military leaders are accountable for the actions their subordinates take while under their leadership. Is every Fire Nation citizen complicit in the War with BSS? Or more critically, the Genocide of the Airbenders?

Are the children of the world guilty by association, for all the crimes committed by their ancestors?

1.7C – OnlyFansBlue on 2022Jun09 makes a similar mistake in calling Lu Ten a war criminal. But yeah. It’s unjust war aggressor not war criminal. Lol.

Leaves from the Vine is considered sad to many because up until that point in the story, Uncle Iroh is a man you have come to love, respect, and look up to more so than anyone else in the show.

It is true that Lu Ten is a war criminal. It is true that he may have caused the deaths of countless innocent people.

But this moment transcends that. Upon Lu Ten’s death Uncle Iroh realizes first hand that what the Fire Nation was doing was unethical. He then spends months of his life trying to reconfigure himself spiritually and become a better person.

And he does, eventually, become a better person. He helps Zuko become better throughout his journey. He helps Toph understand that people don’t care for her because they think she’s weak, but because they want to care for her. The Tales of Ba Sing Se itself has Uncle Iroh helping several people.

But unfortunately, his spiritual awakening came too late. Had he been a better person before his son’s death, he could’ve helped his son become a better person, which would’ve prevented his son from losing his life to the war.

And that is his biggest regret.

That is why it’s sad. Uncle Iroh was a man raised with Fire Nation propaganda throughout his life. He chose to become better after the death of his son rather than doubling down on Ba Sing Se. He chose to become better even though it was hard for him.

And it is very hard. That is a fundamental truth. It’s hard to be a good person when the past weighs down on you, when everything you do seems to go the wrong way, when you get no immediate rewards for being good as you would with being bad, when you don’t see a real point with it because you were comfortable in your old life, and when you get based and beaten despite your goodness. We see that through his nephew, Zuko.

I’m very sorry to hear about you losing your relatives. I truly am. But Leaves from the Vine isn’t about the death of some relative of Putin. It’s about the death of a relative of a character who genuinely tried to change for the better and atone for his sins, which Putin has not. It’s in a world entirely displaced from ours, allowing us to see all sides of the story without our judgement being clouded by immediate biases in regards to our feelings of loss, as valid as they are in the real world. Ultimately, if it’s hard, you should just take it at its face value. It’s a fictional character crying over the loss of his son, which is sad no matter how you frame it. And to some people, it becomes even sadder because of their attachment to Uncle Iroh.

and then

We don’t know for sure whether Lu Ten was a war criminal or not, as his life story is left pretty unclear and told through Iroh’s feelings about him. The comment you linked raises a fantastic point but I read your comments about the situation with your relatives so I was moreso trying to be sensitive towards your feelings whilst talking about my own. They just put it in words I did not think of when I wrote my comment.

As for the propaganda aspect of it, I think that how you were raised as a child has the potential to impact who you are as an adult even years down the line. Emotions are messy and complex, and 18 isn’t some magical age wherein you transform into a completely different and significantly more mature person.

Maturity is something that occurs when you experience feelings and situations that drive you to be a better person. For most people, leaving their homes to go to universities (which occurs often at the age of 18) and gaining a boatload of responsibilities is when that occurs. Even if you stay at home with your parents, you would only mature when you start being responsible for your own life and contribute to the family in a meaningful way.

This is void in the lives of Iroh and Lu Ten. They were never truly challenged as people because they were heirs to the throne upon conception and only really had to carry out responsibilities they knew for a fact they would have to as they grew up in the Fire Nation. It’s presumable that nothing was a surprise in the life of Iroh–until the moment of Lu Ten’s death. That gave him a reason to look inward and as himself the big questions: who are you and what do you want? And he certainly did not want to wage a war that caused so much death and destruction in the name of glory after he realized the true consequences of said war personally.

If you told your child repeatedly that they were worthless and could do better, they would grow up not despising you as a failed parent, but despising themselves as a failure of a child. Had Zuko not gone through what he had in the second and early third seasons, he would never have come to the realization that what Ozai did to him was wrong.

I think ATLA itself is a good representation of this fact through Iroh and Zuko, although there are a plethora of characters in shows like BoJack Horseman that represent the same fact. I would highly recommend giving it a watch if you want to get into the heads of people who were messed up by their childhoods.

Furthermore, the propaganda was structured very well. Sozin’s ideology was imperialism so it isn’t far off to believe that the Fire Nation citizens were groomed into thinking of their actions as some kind of glorious spread of technological advancement. The fact that it could extend even to a general is a testament to how well the ideology was implanted into the minds of the Fire Nation soldiers.

But essentially, it is as you said. Childhood is an impressionable period and it is reasonable to assume that they were, to a degree, brainwashed. You hit the nail on the head there as to why Leaves from the Vine was so sad: Iroh and Lu Ten were good people at heart, just raised in a terrible environment that enabled them to do wrong things. The tragedy here is how they thought they were doing good when they were the villains of the story, even more so that it took them so long to realize sit that they couldn’t do much to change it.

Zuko was Iroh’s only remaining hope. If he could help at least one member of his family the way he wished he could’ve helped Lu Ten, he would be doing justice to his son’s death. It would mean his efforts did not go in vain. This is why he cared not whether Zuko was fighting for what was right or whether he was a mere assistant in a tea shop. As long as Zuko wasn’t fighting on the wrong side of a pointless war and craving for the pointless approval of his father, his death would not be in vain like Lu Ten’s was. He would die doing what he loved, not what was expected of him.

Thank you, OP, for reading through my comment. I’m glad I got my points across in a way that was sensitive to your situation yet still helping you understand my side of the argument. That was my intention. And I’m glad you’re engaging in a healthy, productive discussion and trying to understand all sides of the argument. I wish the best for you and your family. I only hope you were not demoralized or grief-stricken by this thread any more than you were before. I’m always here if you want to talk about the effects of said wars on your relatives. I don’t know how good I would be at giving advice on how to cope with the loss, as this is all very foreign to me, but I promise I will listen and try to help to the best of my abilities. You are strong and brave and I wish nothing but success for you ❤️❤️❤️

1.7D – MarcelZenner on 2022Jun09

Lost me the moment he wrote “war criminal” Lu Ten. How is every soldier a war criminal? Many soldiers are pressured, brainwashed or coerced to fight in wars. I always saw “Leaves from the vine” as a lament to sending his son into a pointless war. If you want to draw parallels to the Ukraine war: Someday more Russians will realize/accept how horrible Putins actions were. And they will mourn their sons who died, fighting in an unjust war. Sons, of which we don’t know, if they agreed with the orders they got or if they even knew what they were doing until it was too late. But I guess, in your book, they are war criminals too





Part2 – Now the 2022 Chess Candidates Tournament

deleted user (cannot find out username since camas reddit search is down since API is down)

How should this work? At the moment, Ding is in second place, and Nepo plays against Nakamura. So you believe Ding should help Nakamura prepare against Nepo? How should he do that? Send him his opening files? Ding would hurt himself more by giving up his analysis to a competitor. Furthermore, Nakamura would do best to play his own openings instead of playing what Ding plays.

Regarding the other players, like Radjabov, Duda and Rapport… they can’t win the tournament anymore, so why would they care about who takes first place?


Good questions. IDK with OP there except for what OP already said eg suggesting openings. In any case I think anything legal is collaboration isn’t going to be helpful. The only thing I can think to be helpful is collusion which is of course illegal.

deleted user

What’s the difference between collaboration and collusion, in your mind?


collaboration is if they discuss stuff to help each other genuinely improve, even if it’s aimed against bringing down another player. it’s a legitimate war strategy.

collusion is if they do something not genuine like fix a match result. it’s a war crime.

does that make sense?


Yes, thank you. I agree with your point then.









Shortlink :

Post ID : p1w4Rr-XW

Eating crow re Korrasami

Duplicate : seems like korrasami is canon ._. – by Zugoldragon in r/TheLastAirbender post ID 2a7unt on 2014Jul09 – which links to this, which is the ff image where Asami seems to touch Korra’s boob :

Part1 – The comments expose the forgery :

jesusHERCULESchrist – 3 comments on 2014Jul10

  1. Not real, this is the actual scene.
  2. Still, nowhere near as suggestive as that last picture. Seriously Korrasami isn’t going to be a thing. I will eat a sock if it is.
  3. I swear to god, this is never going to be Canon in the show. I ain’t fuckin’ around either, i will upload a video of me eating a sock is one day Korra and Asami go lesbian for each other.

The image in link is as ff :

IRPudding on 2014Jul10


TheGreatJonatron on 2014Dec20

We’re waiting.

jesusHERCULESchrist on 2014Dec21

Well, uh… Lets say the sock was a metaphor for my words, and i am now eating my words. I mean, who the fuck could have guess that would happen? Really? I ain’t got anyting gainst it, but i sure as hell didn’t see it coming.

Umaycum88 on 2014Dec24

You sweared to god though and you wasn’t fucking around either…you fucking liar…

Correction :

You swore to God though, and you weren’t fucking around either…you fucking liar…

Part2 – Kei x Moeha in Kaguya-sama

Of course there’s :

Clue Analysis (2022Nov) :

yes women can be overly touchy with one another and with men as well too as society portrays that kind of thing as more acceptable coming from a woman rather than a man.

Part3 – But maybe a draw?

3.1 – BGBigMax on 2022May14 in my r/cartoons post 7 years after Korrasami (Avatar – The Legend of Korra), Nickelodeon has ‘his husband’ in Fairly Odder (The Fairly Oddparents). post ID uopx00 on 2022May13 – cross-post of my post in r/FOP_FairlyOdder post ID uoovbh on 2022May13 :


You mean Korrasami the relationship where they never even kiss on screen? Cowards one and all!

3.1.1 – re avatarstate_yipyipp’s post imagine only allowing two women to kiss if it happens in comics and then pretending to be ‘inclusive’ and ‘diverse’ in r/ATLAverse post ID v9elri on 2022Jun11

I shared it to BGBigMax on 2022Jun12.

FYI: I thought of your comment after I saw this new post.

E said

Cowards one and all! I’m glad my outrage stuck with you for 29 days. Nick execs screwed that show from day one.




3.2 – (2022Jul) BlackSCrow to me in chat re Kei x Moeha in Kaguya-sama & Korrasami in ATLA / TLOK :

Lol, I’ve read one of your post and the reason for this is that you’re afraid that TLOK will repeat in anime? Well, I don’t think so… Firstly, because TLOK is American-produced, and many of American-produced cartoons are politicized, one form of the politicization is the inclusion of the alphabet people character. I don’t think something like that would work in Japan, especially in a manga like Kaguya-sama. Authors would probably touch upon it in heavy stories like Wonder Egg Priority or Yuri or Yaoi anime, but I don’t think they would include it in a comedic manga.

Also, I doubt that Aka would drop a bomb that big, especially with how many chapters are left, and also because the indications from the previous chapters are too weak. So yeah, I suppose it’s a wild theory lol






Shortlink :

Post ID : p1w4Rr-Yz

‘Amon is Tarrlok’s older brother’ – correct prediction TLOK s1 finale

Part1 – Duplicate of post

Duplicate of re ATLA / TLOK – TLOK s1 on 2012Jun19 (before TLOK s1 finale 2012Jun23 but after previous episode 2012Jun16) in r/AmonTheories by Akitcougar – post ID is va3o0


So, this is a theory that came to me while I was half asleep and thinking about Korra. I’m going to break it down point by point to explain my thinking, but the general idea is that Amon is Tarrlok’s older brother, perhaps about ten years older.

Also, I’ll be nice and provide a TL;DR after each point, since I get rather wordy.

1. The Motive – Amon’s motive to take away bending is because his father’s bending was taken away by the Avatar. I guess that when Yakone’s bending was taken away, Amon was around the age of five. Amon would have been old enough to know his father was a bender, but still too young to understand why Aang took away his bending. His father wouldn’t help him understand the truth, since Yakone also hated Aang for taking his bending, so he would raise his son to hate the Avatar. When Tarrlok came into existence, Yakone raised him similarly. However, the two brothers took this hatred in different directions. Amon hated all benders because he felt that if there were no benders, there would be no Avatar. Tarrlok, on the other hand, became convinced of bender superiority, since the family’s bloodbending gave him more power than his bending-less father. Amon grew to hate his younger brother, since he used his bending to gain power. Thus, as adults, the two brothers worked towards radically different goals.

TL;DR – Amon hates the Avatar and, by association, all benders because his father’s bending was taken away.

2. The Mask – Amon wears the mask because of facial similarities to Tarrlok and their father, Yakone. If he was using his real face, he wouldn’t be able to gather a following since he is a water bender and a blood bender. The mask became a symbol as well as a disguise, and Amon created the excuse of firebenders, since everyone knows firebending can permanently scar faces beyond recognition (Zuko, for example, would look completely different if he hadn’t gotten the scar from his father).

TL;DR – Amon looks like his younger brother, Tarrlok, so he wears a mask to hide it.

3. The “Spirit/Energy Bending” – The so-called energy bending Amon does to take away bending is actually a combination of knowledge of the chakras and how chi flows and blood-bending. Amon inherited the blood-bending from his father, like Tarrlok. In order to use the blood-bending, he needed knowledge about how the body worked so that he didn’t accidentally kill his victims. He learned about how chi flows in the human body. He also learned about the different chakras. The one that interested him, the Light Chakra, was located on the forehead and was blocked by illusion. With practice, Amon figured out a way to block bending by using blood-bending on that spot, creating an illusion of removed bending, but in reality was a removable block. The only people who could remove the block, however, are blood-benders. Since blood-bending is illegal, very, very few people would even have that knowledge. At the moment, the only other known blood-benders have their bending permanently removed by the Avatar (Yakone), have their bending blocked by this technique (Tarrlok), or don’t live in Republic City (Katara). Thus, no one else would know how to fix the block, so it acts as a permanent block. Again, Amon used an excuse (this time, a spirit) to hide the fact that he is a waterbender and a blood-bender.

TL;DR – Amon uses blood-bending to block bending. The block is removable, but only by another blood-bender.

4. The Resistance to Blood-Bending – Amon was able to resist Tarrlok’s blood-bending because Amon is the stronger waterbender. In “The Puppetmaster” in Season 3 of A:TLA, Katara stopped Hama’s blood-bending because Katara was the stronger bender. Thus, there’s a precedent for this idea.

TL;DR – Not providing a TL;DR for this one since it’s short, at the moment.

FINAL TL;DR – Amon is Tarrlok’s older brother. He has a believable motive, a reason for the mask, and the ability to block bending.

If you notice any flaws in my logic or have another point to add, please comment.


  1. Tarrlok would recognize Amon’s voice. (Although, I think that they probably haven’t seen each other in years, so Tarrlok might not recognize his voice. Or, perhaps, the mask distorts Amon’s voice. Still a flaw in my logic.)

(Quoting DFP_ here because they gave an idea for it.

“The voice can be explained for the same reason, Tarrloc probably ran away to learn legitimate waterbending after getting his old man to spill the beans on advanced bloodbending to the Northern tribe at a very young age.”)

Ninja Edit: Just clarified something that I noticed while rereading it. Also italicized the TL;DR’s for each point.

EDIT: Added the fourth point.

EDIT: Added more counterargument to the flaws.

Part2 – Duplicate of subreddit info

Also the subreddit info says


Who do you think Amon is? What is Amon truly up to? Who is working for Amon? If you have theories on any of these, post them here and we can discuss. *Created due to Mods in r/TheLastAirbender not wanting Amon theory threads in the main sub*

Created Jun 3, 2012

Part3 – Aaron Rowe aka Nintentrovert said on 2022Apr16

Holy cow, that’s crazy! The whole thing was incredibly well-written and, frankly, makes more sense than how it was handled in the actual show. Tarrlok was just like, “I don’t know how he does it, but he somehow uses bloodbending,” which was super vague and unsatisfying.


But yeah, this is super cool. Reminds me of the person who correctly predicted the author of the journals in Gravity Falls, and the show creators put out a fake leak to throw people off the trail, lol. That was awesome.

Interesting. Death of the Author aka The Death of the Author I guess. (See comment of AltruisticActivity4 below.)

Part4 – Also I cross-posted in early to mid 2022 :

1 – Would Tarrlok have recognised Amon’s voice? Or maybe Tarrlok hadn’t heard Amon’s voice (as Amon) until their 1st encounter when Amon counters Tarrlok’s bloodbending? (see comment of Nintenbro10000 in ‘Amon is Tarrlok’s older brother’)

  • IAmChungoBalungo says ‘No bc in a flashback, Tarrlok says he never saw him again. At the time, they were kids.’

2 – Amon is Tarrlok’s older brother

  • AltruisticActivity4 says ‘Good theory. I think there is a flaw regarding Katara and blood bending. At the end of the season Katara could not “heal” Korra and restore her bending. Maybe she did not realize she needed to blood bend to fix the issue but if traditional healing techniques didn’t work I don’t see why she wouldn’t consider some form of blood bending to counteract the block. It should be noted that Amon was outted as a blood bender and thus they know the block was done via blood bending not energy bending.’
  • my response ‘interesting. thanks for sharing. in that case, i consider the show flawed relative to this theory XD’
    • Death of the Author again I guess. See comment of Aaron Rowe aka Nintentrovert above.

3 – Amon is Tarrlok’s older brother

  • bendable_girder says ‘u/akitcougar this is the best prediction I have ever seen’
  • deleted user says ‘Personally I find it funny that there was a literal community for ‘Amon Theories‘ this fandom is so quirky and amazing.’
    • right yeah…refer to the r/amontheories subreddit description

4 – Amon is Tarrlok’s older brother

  • a deleted user says ‘that is amazing lol, imagine how stoked they were when they were proved right’
    • Ah yes. Just like how I was stoked when I correctly predicted OUAT s2 twist and how stoked I’ll be for my own theories in 9LX, chess, anime, etc.

5 – To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Korra, here’s a 1 decade old post that predicted ‘Amon is Tarrlok’s older brother’ just before the s1 finale.

  • Pe3zus says ‘That was an amazing read! Just about got it all the way down, damn near 100% Wow!! 🤯😱’
  • a deleted user says ‘This post proves that one particular scene in ATLA B3E8 ruined TLOK Book 1, which could have been a masterpiece.’ and ‘When Katara fight Hama and resist her bloodbending, it spoils that Amon is a bloodbender, since the person that posted the prediction used Katara resisting bloodbending as proof Amon is waterbender.’ I ask the ff but don’t get an answer:

Huh? Without that bloodbending resistance, how is there such precedence that hints that Amon is a blood bender? Without such precedence, I think I’d think ‘oh wow being a good blood bender means you can resist blood bending from others?’

I don’t think it’d be a twist…I think it’d be a lame retcon.


What am I missing/misunderstanding?

Part5 – Oh also Akitcougar said

at 2012Jun23 11:28:58pm GMT+8



and then at 2012Jun23 11:31:04pm GMT+8



Well you must / will. But I won’t. Eg

  1. Wesley So is in a secret relationship with Carissa Yip. This is why Wesley has been underperforming (at least in chess) between the 2022 Olympiad and the 2022 Chessc*m Global Championship. / Life imitates art. Theory: The Cleo and Beth thing happened to Wesley So IRL this year.
  2. Bobby Fischer if alive today would support Hans Niemann over Magnus Carlsen … Apparently not?! | Quote: ‘top brass in chess world is team Jew. … Niemann did cheat … Jewish conspiracy to bring down the gentile who dominated them’ | ‘None of the Indians are Jews but almost all the Russians are.’ (zs4zpf)
  3. Kei x Moeha [spoilers for Kaguya-sama manga & anime]
  4. Mathematics of the Padmé x Anakin age gap: The half your age plus 7 rule is satisfied a minimum 1 decade later, which is PRECISELY when Episode II Attack of the Clones takes place. Did I make any mistakes?
  5. Chii Nishikata ship theory (S03E05)



Part6 – 2023Sep30 Update – Ad hoc account

It seems a user named irenikaimi created a new reddit account specifically for the purpose

of asking the ff question :

just one question, if the block can be removed by other blood-benders, when korra was taken to katara, why did katara not just remove the block?

My guess w/o going through all the details again is I guess Katara needs a full moon.






Shortlink :

Post ID : p1w4Rr-G7

Chii Nishikata ship theory (S03E05)

Part1 – Duplicate/Elaboration :


  1. Chii Nishikata ship theory ( ID 2085249 ) – date 2023Mar31
  2. Chii Nishikata ship theory ( ID 2085250 ) – date 2023Mar31


  1. Chi Nishikata ship theory (S03E05) in r/ChiNishikata – post ID 13xpc8r – date 2023Jun02
  2. Chi Nishikata ship theory (S03E05) in r/ChiiNishikata – post ID 13xpc7p – date 2023Jun02

[begin duplicate which i later just edited]

I have a theory Chi Nishikata ( oh actually Chī / Chii I guess ) is gay / lesbian / bisexual based solely on up to S03E05 & anime only. The ship theory is Chii Nishikata with the female friend of Chii Nishikata & not the male classmate who ate the green peppers. This ship theory parallels the main ship: A female friend of someone whose last name Nishikata teases that Nishikata. The male classmate is clearly not really friends with Chii.

Also ‘Chii Nishikata’ It sounds like Chisato Nishikigi from Lycoris Recoil.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Chii’s friend’s name sounds like Takina Inoue. LOL.

I am probably watching too much ATLA/Avatar: The Legend of Korra (TLOK), Higurashi/Umineko, Kaguya-sama, The Half of It, RWBY, Adventure Time, Harley Quinn, She-Ra & The Queen’s Gambit (and possibly Madoka, Lycoris Recoil, Takagi-san, The Quintessential Quintuplets or Carmen Sandiego), but well what do you think?

Link: – takagi-san s3 – takagi-san s3 – kaguya-sama s2 – kaguya-sama s2 – kaguya-sama s2

[end duplicate which i later just edited]

Part2 – Chii’s friend

As of 2023Jun02, I’m the only MAL user to add Chii’s friend to favourites. Lol.

Update 2023Dec04

Oh yeah forgot to add – MAL approved my edit suggestion to Chii’s friend’s biography

Future daughter-in-law of Takagi x Nishikata

Just kidding. It’s

Friend of Chii Nishikata.




Post ID: p1w4Rr-vS