The Virgin Wesley So vs the Chad Tigran L. Petrosian

Duplicate meme The Virgin Wesley So vs the Chad Tigran L. Petrosian of AniviaJTrump on 2021Mar10 re Wesley So vs Tigran L Petrosian copypasta in r/anarchychess – post ID m1xvkz

Comment of OOTL reddit user ProfileRich7136 on 2022Nov12 ( or is that 2022Dec11 ? ) at 6:27:28am GMT+8

This is so stupid. Wesley so doesn’t deserve this slander and I have the utmost respect for him. Wesley is the most humble and respectable of every professional chess player out there right now.

Transcript :

For Wesley So :

Ditched his home country in favour of Rex Sinquefield’s billions

I haven’t seen a bigger hypocrite person than you in my life. 😂 I thought you are American bcoz you were taking sides of a cheater. Now you are taking side of someone who doesn’t even want to play under his real nation’s flag.

Only won 1 Olympiad, even that wasn’t with his own country

Who the hell is this Wesley guy he’s named after?

Name is just boring anyway, ‘w’esley ‘s’o is nobody for me

  • Annotation : LOL single quotation. Definitely British.

Always prays before every game, what a beta

Was doing PIPI in his pampers when Petrosian was beating players much more stronger than him.

For Tigran L Petrosian :

Won 2 Olympiad titles despite his home nation having just 3 million citizens

Named after a former World Champion with a very distinctive playstyle who is also a national hero

Does not need to consult God for his moves, he can just look in his lap.

Shortlink :

Post ID : p1w4Rr-LP